Congratulations are in order! Kent Spaulding, Brunswick School Bus Driver, placed 2nd in the state-wide driver's skills course and the written test at the Maine MAPT (Maine Association for Pupil Transportation) - 51st Annual School Transportation Safety Conference & Trade Show last week. We are proud of you, Kent. Way to go! #teambrunswickme #mainebusdriver #brunswickmaine
7 months ago, Phil Potenziano
Kent Spaulding with Award
Welcome, Rich Osmer, our new IT Administrator! 🖥️👨‍💻 Rich joins our district tech department from Kate Furbish Elementary School. Rich brings enthusiasm for continuous learning and problem-solving. He says, "Working in the BSD IT Department means I'm always learning new things and facing new challenges. Something is always changing!" Rich looks forward to collaborating across the district, adding, "In this new role, I'll get to interact with staff district-wide, which means meeting and helping lots of great educators and support teams!" Please join us in welcoming Rich to our school community! #NewTeamMember #EdTech #SchoolIT #maine #teambrunswickme #superintendent
8 months ago, Phil Potenziano
Rich Osmer
🎉 Introducing Becky McKarns, our new Assistant Director of Special Education! 🎓 Becky brings a passion for lifelong learning and a dedication to expanding her educational expertise to support our entire community. With a strong focus on Special Education, she's committed to: Ensuring equitable access to education for all students Supporting staff development and retention Collaborating with students, staff, parents/guardians, and community members Providing leadership to enhance our Special Education programs I'm thrilled to have Becky join our team as we work together to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment for every student in Brunswick School District. Welcome aboard, Becky! 🌟 #maine #teambrunswickme #mainesuperintendent #schoolsuperintendent #brunswickmaine
8 months ago, Phil Potenziano
Becky McKarns
The Superintendent's Office is MOVING. We anticipate a building closure on July 18-19 to complete the move. We are moving the 20 Barrows Street - Coffin School. Stay tuned for more information. #teambrunswickme #brunswickmaine #mainesuperintendent
9 months ago, Phil Potenziano
Moving BOx
Join us on this powerful episode of the Brunswick Buzz link - 🔗🔗 in bio as we dive into the heart-wrenching issue of student homelessness. Phil sits down with Andrew Lardie, the Executive Director of Tedford Housing, and Shawn Lambert, Brunswick's Assistant Superintendent and Student Homeless Liaison. Brace yourself for an eye-opening discussion that sheds light on the harsh realities faced by our most vulnerable students and the tireless efforts of those working to provide them with a safe haven. Don't miss this gripping conversation that will leave you inspired and motivated to make a difference.
9 months ago, Phil Potenziano
Brunswick Buzz - Phil, Andrew, Shawn and Ryan
Brunswick Buzz
Good Afternoon. Due to the ongoing severe snowstorm and widespread power outages expected to continue to impact our area overnight, there will be no school tomorrow, Friday, April 5, 2024. All classes, activities, sports, and programs are canceled for the day. Our top priority is the safety of our students, families, and staff. The tentative last day of school is now June 13, 2024. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We hope everyone can stay warm and safe during this storm. Sincerely, Superintendent Potenziano
11 months ago, Phil Potenziano
No School Friday April 5, 2024
Congratulations to Laurie Catanese, Principal at Brunswick Junior High School, on being named the Maine Art Education Association's Supervision/Administration Award for 2024! Way to go, Principal Catanese! #teambrunswickme
11 months ago, Phil Potenziano
Laurie Catanese
Congratulations to Christine Cotto and Bonnie Robins for presenting recently at the New England League of Middle Schools Conference in Springfield, MA, @therealnelms this week. The session was called Circling Up Restorative Practices. It's fantastic seeing our Dragon staff sharing the great work they are doing here in Brunswick! #teambrunswickme
11 months ago, Phil Potenziano
Staff Bonnie and Christine
Staff Presenting at Conference
The following schools are in session today, Tuesday, March 26, 2024: Kate Furbish Elementary Open Harriet Beecher Stowe School Open Brunswick Junior High School Grades Open Brunswick High School Closed Brunswick High School Does Not Have Power
11 months ago, Phil Potenziano
School Update
Brunswick Schools and Region 10 Technical High School will be closed on Monday, March 25, 2024.
11 months ago, Phil Potenziano
School Closed
6:30 PM March 24, 2024 Update A majority of Brunswick remains without power. As a reminder, the Recreation Center located at 220 Neptune Drive is open as a warming center. We will make a decision about opening schools by 5:30 a.m. tomorrow, Monday, March 25, 2024. #teambrunswickme
11 months ago, Phil Potenziano
Safety Update
We are excited to share that the Brunswick School Department is participating in the SMCC Educator Apprentice Program. The following educational facilities and school districts are also participating: Brunswick, Falmouth, Gorham, MaineHealth, MSAD, RSU 14, SAD 6, SAD 15, Scarborough, & South Portland. About this program: This 18-month program is designed for those who want to become Education Technicians II at a partner school district. This program is the first of its kind to provide this opportunity. After completing the Intro to Teaching Bootcamp, you will spend one day per week (3:15 - 6:15 p.m.) doing coursework while also receiving experiential credit working in the classroom the rest of the week! For More Info & Apply NOW, email or call 207-741-5595 #teambrunswickme
about 1 year ago, Phil Potenziano
We are excited to share that the Brunswick School Department is participating in the SMCC Educator Apprentice Program. The following educational facilities and school districts are also participating. About this program: This 18-month program is designed for those who want to become Education Technicians II at a partner school district. This program is the first of its kind to provide this opportunity. After completing the Intro to Teaching Bootcamp, you will spend one day per week (3:15 - 6:15 p.m.) doing coursework while also receiving experiential credit working in the classroom the rest of the week! For More Info & Apply NOW, email or call 207-741-5595 #teambrunswickme
about 1 year ago, Phil Potenziano
Brunswick Schools will have a 2-hour delay today, Monday, January 29, 2024. School start times are: KFS - 10:30 HBS - 10:30 BJHS - 9:45 BHS - 9:45 Buses will run 2 hours later than the regular bus times.
about 1 year ago, Phil Potenziano
2 Hour Delayed Start 1/29/2024
Congratulations to Cathy Normand - Our most recent Schootles Award Winner! Cathy was nominated by a parent who said in part: My two kids, Kindergarten and 6th grade, ride Ms. Cathy's bus. She is the beacon of light in my day and ALWAYS brings a smile to my kids' faces, even when they're tired and grumpy. She is so patient and kind, and I have no idea how she remembers every single kid's name, including our 2-year-old's (who obviously doesn't ride the bus!). Lastly, thanks so much for implementing the BusRight app. It is awesome! Let's kick up the likes and give Ms. Cathy the recognition she deserves! #teambrunswickme
about 1 year ago, Phil Potenziano
Cathy Normand
Cathy Normand
On this episode of the Brunswick Buzz, Phil speaks with Maddie Chaput, Jonas McGrath, and Garrett Countway, seniors at Brunswick High School.  Each is exploring career exploration and extended learning opportunities with Ms. Myers and Mr. Wilson.  Listen and learn how a student engages with engineers from Wright-Pierce, Sitelines, Reed, and Reed, exploring various engineering careers.  Learn how students work with Science Department Head Andrew McCullough to see if there is a relationship between the substrate (bottom of the ocean material), the number of green crabs, and the size/sex/coloration of green crabs. #teambrunswickme
about 1 year ago, Phil Potenziano
Brunswick Buzz
Brunswick Recreation Center - Public Access Includes: 🚿 Locker Rooms, Restrooms, and Showers Free Wifi 🛜 - ⚡ Charging / Electricity Warming Center 🌡️ #teambrunswickme
about 1 year ago, Phil Potenziano
Brunswick Recreation
Brunswick Schools are closing early due to extensive power outages. Dismissal times are as follows: BHS at 12:00 pm BJ at 12:15 pm HBS and KFE at 1:00 pm
about 1 year ago, Phil Potenziano
Closing Early
Brunswick Schools will have a two-hour delay on Monday, December 4, 2023. This includes Region 10.
over 1 year ago, Phil Potenziano
2 Hour Delay