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OCTOBER is NATIONAL BIKE/Walk to school month! 

Oct. 19-23 is BRING PE to your family week

Take THIS COVID19 ...Since we are unable to walk/bike monthly as we have enjoyed in the past, I challenge you to check the following research out:

AND, get outside with your students/family! Take a walk, bike,  teach a lesson in the outdoor classroom, write, create, look around you; use the surroundings that Maine has to offer! See what your students'/children reactions are, what does their work/focus look like afterwards?

Take some pictures of your efforts, send them to is NATIONAL bike/walk to school month!

(By sending me your pics or short videos, you agree I can post them on HBS web-site/share RE: social media.)

Oct. 19-23 was BRING PE to your family week; we have been doing community activities for years. Share what you and your family are doing!  Lynn D’Agostino, HBS/PE