Morning Announcements:

Library is closed today!

     6th grade: Landon Weil
     7th grade: Haley Sutton
     8th grade: no submissions

Student Council meets tomorrow, Tuesday, after the walker bell until 3:30.

This Week is Digital Citizenship Week! ---  Each day we'll be sharing a daily fact and Wordle challenge. Your advisor has the daily Wordle Challenge. Each Wordle your advisory solves will earn you an entry into a raffle at the end of the week. Good luck and here is today's fact:

Did you know, 500 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube every minute? Remember, everything you upload and do online is part of your Digital Footprint. A digital footprint is a collection of your online activity. To keep your digital footprint positive, you want to THINK before you post. Ask yourself, is it True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, and Kind?

If you are riding the Late Bus today, don’t forget to get a pass from the front office before lunch!! Thanks!

Do you love to paint? Join us for Paint Night this Friday! This is a fun, family-friendly event that raises money for the Art Department so we can buy more art supplies for students! Sign ups are online!  Here is the Paint Night Link

Field Hockey Vs. Yarmouth Home- 3:45
Boys Soccer AT Freeport- Dismissal 2:05, Bus 2:15
Girls Soccer vs. Freeport- Home 3:30/4:45
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Please check lost and found in the lobby - It is all folded neatly on the tables!  Check to see if anything belongs to you!!
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 Picture day is this Thursday, October 20! The Picture ID to order online remains the same!  Easier online ordering on with your student’s picture ID:  EVTS8R8RM.   If you miss Thursday,  no worries!  Make up day is November 30!

Daily Activities and Club List:

Today’s Civil Rights Team meets at 2:35 to 3:30 in Room 312 
“Whose Crime Is It Anyway?” from 2:35-3:45 in room 204
Field Hockey Vs. Yarmouth Home- 3:45
Boys Soccer AT Freeport- Dismissal 2:05, Bus 2:15
Girls Soccer vs. Freeport- Home 3:30/4:45

Student Council will meet from the walker bell until 3:30.
6th Grade Math Team 2:35-4:00 in the Library (attend the Tuesday PM meeting or the Wednesday AM meeting)
Advanced Choir 7:05 am in the chorus room
Jazz Choir 2:20-3:30 in the chorus room
Creative Writing Club Room 311-2:45-4:00
Coding Club - Room 105 - 2:40-3:50
Practice for all sports

6th Grade Math Team 7:15-7:45 am
8th Grade Math Team 7:00-7:45 am Room 208
Field Hockey at Mt. Ararat, Dismissal 2:30, Bus 2:30
Boys & Girls Soccer will meet on the fields and walk over to Bowdoin with Coach Wade and Mrs. Robbins. Pick up at Bowdoin, 5pm. (optional) 

Student Council meets after the walker bell in room 315 (10/20, 11/2, 11/15,11/29).
Yearbook Club - Meets on 10/27 and 11/10 in room 205 after the walker bell and ends at 4.
Coffin Food Market - Open to all Brunswick Residents with school aged kids - Market is open from 3 to 5 pm weekly.
Chess Club in room 312 from the walker bell until 4
Last XC meet at Twin Brooks, Dismissal 1:35, Bus 1:45
Field Hockey vs. Bath Home, 3:30/4:45
Boys Soccer Away at Mt. Ararat Dismissal 2:20, Bus 2:30
Girls Soccer vs. Mt. Ararat Home, 3:30/4:45

Q&A Club in the Cafeteria starting at the Walker Bell and ends at 3:45
Advanced Choir 7:05 am in the chorus room
Field Hockey Home at Brunswick High School BUS TBA
Boys/Girls Soccer Practice- World Cup
XC End of Season Celebration