Code of Ethics
6th Grade: Ebba Copeland-Kennedy
7th Grade: Caitlyn Boutwell
8th Grade: Willow Guimaraes
Bus Changes: Starting 12/9 Bus 56 is Bus 21 indefinitely
Bus 53 is Bus 54 until further notice
REMINDER: Water only is allowed during school hours! This includes lunch period! No energy drinks, coffee, soda, etc.
Attention choir Students: Acapell and Nothing But Bass Thursday morning is canceled this week.
Brunswick jr high’s musical Frozen Jr. opens this week! Performances are this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 7PM as well as next Friday and Saturday at 7PM in the coffin gym. Tickets sold at the door, suggested donation is $15. We hope to see you there!
The Library will be closed for Periods 1-5 on today, Wednesday, and Thursday of this week. There won’t be Library Assistants this week as well!!