Code of Ethics
6th Grade: McKenna Baughman
7th Grade: Seamus Nash
8th Grade: Isys Buford
Bus Changes: Starting 12/9 Bus 56 is Bus 21 indefinitely
Bus 18 is Bus 46 until further notice
REMINDER: Water only is allowed during school hours! This includes lunch period! No energy drinks, coffee, soda, etc.
There will be no advanced choir tomorrow. We are going to take a health break. Again, there is no advanced choir tomorrow.
Long Distance Running Club will meet today after the walker bell in Mr. Macisso's room. Don't forget to bring warm running clothes!
Spirit Week is coming!!! February 10-14 -- Look for the posters in the halls!
Cheer Practice 2:45-4:00
7th Girls Basketball Practice 2:45-4:00
8th Girls Basketball Practice 4:00-5:15
7th Boys Basketball Practice 5:15-6:30
8th Boys Basketball Practice 6:30-7:45
Daily Activities and Club List
Card Game Club - 2:30 to 3:30 in Room 205
Civil Rights Club - 2:30 to 3:30 in Room 312
Yearbook Club - 2:35-3:30 in Room 317
Creative Writing Club - 2:30-3:45 in the Nurse’s Conference Room
Student Council meets in the Cafeteria from the walker bell until 3:45
Ping Pong Club meets in Room 318 from the Walker Bell until 3:45
Robotics Club meets in Room 314 from the walker bell until 4:00 - Canceled 1/14
Art Club for 6th Graders from the walker bell until 4:00
6th Grade Math Team walker bell - 3:30 in Room 304
7th Grade Math Team 2:45 - 3:45 in Room 104
8th Grade Math Team 2:30 - 3:30 in Room 205
Outing Club in Room 102 from the walker bell until 3:45
Long Distance Running Club meets in room 302 at the walker bell
Art Club for 7th and 8th Graders
Q&A Club in the Cafe room after the walker bell. Daily Activities and Club List