Code of Ethics Winners:

6th Grade: Sutter DeCourcy
7th Grade: Lucy Omdal
8th Grade: Kaitlyn Munt 

Bus Changes: 
Bus 52 is Bus 49 until further notice
                         Bus 58 is Bus 51 until further notice
                         Bus 53 is back to Bus 53 as of 12/5 
Starting 12/9 Bus 56 is Bus 21 indefinitely

REMINDER:  Water only is allowed during school hours!  This includes lunch period!  No energy drinks, coffee, soda, etc.

Upcoming Important Dates:

December 9 - PowerSchool Parent Portal Opens - Report Cards Available on Power School
December 10 - Sixth Grade Band and Chorus Concert 7:00-8:00pm
December 17 - Seventh and Eighth Grade Chorus Concert 7:00-8:00pm
December 21 - January 1 - No School Winter Break
January 2 - Day 2 in the rotation 27-29 - no school
January 7 - 7/8 Band Concert
January 8 - Early Release - dismissal at 11:30

Any cancellations will be announced at 1 pm today.

Writing Club is canceled for today.

Yearbook is canceled for today.

Do you like to rock climb? Would you like to learn how to rock climb safely?  If your answer was yes to either question. Come to the next outing club meeting in Room 102 on Thursday 2:40-3:30 and learn about our next field trip to the Evo Rock gym on Dec. 19th.

Signups for Tech Support are posted on the glass wall in the BJH lobby. They will be up until Tuesday. Please read the information before signing up if you are interested. 

All items in Lost and Found will be donated soon!!! Be sure to make sure your items are not in there!

Attention bike riders: Please remember to follow the biking rules:  Stop at four-way crossings and stop when crossing the street!  There’s a lot of traffic in the mornings!  Stay Safe!

Today is the last day of the BJHS Store sale!!


Cheer Practice 2:45-4:00
7th Girls Basketball Practice 2:45-4:00
8th Girls Basketball Practice 4:00-5:15
7th Boys Basketball Practice 5:15-6:30
8th Boys Basketball Practice 6:30-7:45

Daily Activities and Club List

  • Monday

    • Card Game Club  - 2:30 to 3:30 in Room 205 

    • Civil Rights Club  - 2:30 to 3:30 in Room 312

    • Yearbook Club - 2:34-4 in Room 317 -   Canceled for 12/9

    • Creative Writing Club - 2:30-3:45 in the Nurse’s Conference Room - canceled for 12/9

  • Tuesday

    • Student Council meets in the Cafeteria from the walker bell until 3:45

    • Ping Pong Club meets in Room 318 from the Walker Bell until 3:45

    • Robotics Club meets in Room 314 from the walker bell until 4:00

  • Thursday 

    • 6th Grade Math Team walker bell - 3:30 in Room 304 -no practice 12/5

    • 7th Grade Math Team 2:45 - 3:45 in Room 104 - no practice 12/5

    • 8th Grade Math Team 2:30 - 3:30 in Room 205 - no practice 12/5

    • Outing Club in Room 102 from the walker bell until 3:45

    • Long Distance Running Club meets in room 302 at the walker bell

  • Friday

    • Q&A Club in the Cafe room after the walker bell.