Due to the short week, last week Code of Ethics Winners will be drawn on Friday
Bus Changes:
Bus 50 is Bus 20 Permanently
Bus 16 is back to Bus 16
REMINDER: Water only is allowed during school hours! This includes lunch period! No energy drinks, coffee, soda, etc.
Upcoming Important Dates:
December 4- Early Release - dismissal at 11:30
December 9 - PowerSchool Parent Portal Opens - Report Cards Available on Power School
December 10 - Sixth Grade Band and Chorus Concert 7:00-8:00pm
December 17 - Seventh and Eighth Grade Chorus Concert 7:00-8:00pm
December 21 - January 1 - No School Winter Break
January 2 - Day 2 in the rotation 27-29 - no school
January 7 - 7/8 Band Concert
Attention Math Team Members: No regular Math Team practice for 6th, 7th, 8th grades this week – There is a math meet for only the students competing in the meet. Again - only math team members participating in the math meet have Math Team on Thursday.
Attention bike riders: Please remember to follow the biking rules: Stop at four-way crossings and stop when crossing the street! There’s a lot of traffic in the mornings! Stay Safe!
Did you forget to submit your artwork for the Yearbook Contest? Good News -- The contest for the Yearbook Cover has been extended to Friday, December 6! If you have any questions, please email Mr. Landry.
Starting Holiday shopping early? The Brunswick Junior High On-Line Store is having a sale!
Sale Dates: 11/4 through 12/10
25% off all merch
Free Shipping on orders over $75
Guaranteed delivery by December 23
Here is the link to the store:
Click for the School Store Sales Flyer
Cheer Practice 2:45-4:00
7th Girls BBall Practice 2:45-4:00
8th Girls BBall Practice 4:00-5:15
7th Boys BBall Practice 5:15-6:30
8th Boys BBall Practice 6:30-7:45
Daily Activities and Club List
Card Game Club - 2:30 to 3:30 in Room 205
Civil Rights Club - 2:30 to 3:30 in Room 312
Yearbook Club - 2:34-4 in Room 317 - starting November 25
Creative Writing Club - 2:30-3:45 in the Nurse’s Conference Room
Student Council meets in the Cafeteria from the walker bell until 3:45
Ping Pong Club meets in Room 318 from the Walker Bell until 3:45
Robotics Club meets in Room 314 from the walker bell until 4:00
6th Grade Math Team walker bell - 3:30 in Room 3047th Grade Math Team 2:45 - 3:45 in Room 1048th Grade Math Team 2:30 - 3:30 in Room 205Outing Club in Room 102 from the walker bell until 3:45
Long Distance Running Club meets in room 302 at the walker bell
Q&A Club in the Cafe room after the walker bell.