Code of Ethics Winners this week are: 

6th grade: Charlie Pickford
7th grade: Teagan McGraw
8th grade: Nate Wade

REMINDER:  Water only is allowed during school hours!  This includes lunch period!  No energy drinks, coffee, soda, etc.

Upcoming Important Dates:

November 27-29 - no school

6th grade math team meets today at the walker bell until 3:30 in Room 304

Attention 8th graders!  Do you know how to calculate the area of a circle?  Are you curious about factorials?  Can you calculate the odds of pulling the Ace of Spades from a deck of cards?  If you can, or if you want to learn how, you should come to 8th Grade Math Team!  We meet today, and every Thursday, from the walker bell until 3:30 in Room 205.  Don't worry about coming every week, just show up when you can!  See Mr. Leitzell with questions.

Do you like to take pictures?  Do you want to make your BJH year memorable?  Join the Yearbook club!!!  Yearbook Club will start next Monday, November 18 2:45-4:00 in Room 317.  Please see Mr. Landry if you have any questions!!

Join the long distance running club for our first run of the year this Thursday, November 14th! The sign up sheet and permission slips are located on the wall just outside of the cafeteria. Since spots are limited, sign ups will be the first day of the week each week, and permission slips can be returned to Mr. Macisso on Thursday.

Starting Holiday shopping early? The Brunswick Junior High On-Line Store is having a sale!

Have you submitted your artwork for the yearbook cover?   If you have any questions, please email Mr. Landry. The contest ends December 4th. 
Click the link for more information: Yearbook Cover Contest Rules


Cheer Practice- 2:45-4:00

7th Girls Basketball Practice  2:45-4:00

7th Boys Basketball Practice  4:00-5:15  

(Mrs. Similien's room available afterschool (308)

8th Girls Basketball NO Practice

8th Boys Basketball Practice  6:30-7:45

Daily Activities and Club List

  • Monday

    • Card Game Club  - 2:30 to 3:30 in Room 205

    • Civil Rights Club  - 2:30 to 3:30 in Room 312

    • Yearbook Club - 2:34-4 in Room 317 - starting November 18

  • Tuesday

    • Student Council meets in the Cafeteria from the walker bell until 3:45

    • Ping Pong Club meets in Room 318 from the Walker Bell until 3:45

  • Thursday 

    • 6th Grade Math Team walker bell - 3:30 in Room 304 

    • 8th Grade Math Team 2:30 - 3:30 in Room 205

    • Outing Club in Room 102 from the walker bell until 3:45

    • Long Distance Running Club meets in room 302 at the walker bell

  • Friday

    • Q&A Club in Ms. Bucknam’s room (11/8) after the walker bell.