Code of Ethics Winners this week are: 

6th grade: Brycen Harlow
7th grade: Gursahib Marwaha
8th grade: Eli Tiemann 

Bus Changes: 

                         Bus 50 is Bus 54 until further notice
                         Bus 59 is back to bus 59
                         Bus 17 is back to bus 17

REMINDER:  Water only is allowed during school hours!  This includes lunch period!  No energy drinks, coffee, soda, etc.

Spirit Week Starts TODAY!

Today is Twin Day
Keep your eye out in the hallway for posters or ask your advisor for the schedule!

 Our first dance is Friday, November 1st!  Here are the details:

·  The cost is 5 dollars and it is a fundraiser for vending machines for the Junior High!
·  Concessions will be available for sale.
·  Tickets will be available in the lobby between the gym and cafeteria in the morning next week.
·  This is NOT a Halloween dance!

The Yearbook Cover Contest is underway. The winner of the contest will get their artwork on the cover of the yearbook and will receive a free yearbook. Your advisor will be giving you more information this week about the contest. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please email Mr. Landry. The contest ends December 4th. 

Attention, all adventurers!   Do you love the outdoors? Join the Outing Club for exciting adventures such as: Hiking, Snowshoeing, Cross country skiing, Campfire building, And even overnight camping trips! Whether you're an outdoors pro or just looking to try something new, The Outing Club is for you. Join us every Thursday after school in room 102!

Lost and found is filling up! Did you lose your sweatshirt? Your water bottle?  Your coat? Your marbles?  If so, check Lost and Found to see if it is there!

Hey 8th graders: Community Outreach is looking for your feedback on how to improve the bathrooms. Check your email for a survey to provide your input.

Winter Sports are around the corner and registration on Powerschool is OPEN!  To register log on to log in with your Parent account and go to “General Forms” within Powerschool. The system will prompt you to report the date of your student’s last physical. This date must have been within the last two years; you will be asked to upload your documentation from that visit showing your student is in good health and able to play. You will read important materials and electronically sign off that you understand and agree to them. Students will be unable to participate in any practice or game until this registration is complete.  If you do not know your Powerschool credentials, please email or call 207-319-1990.

Registration Deadline is FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1ST! 

Picture Retake Day: November 7th  Picture Day ID: EVTMC2ZRM.  *See Mrs. Colucci in the front office for an order form.


Tuesday, 10/29

Field Hockey Away @ Freeport, 8th 3:45, 6/7th 4:45, Dismissal 2:05, Bus 2:15
Boys/Girls End of Season Celebration 2:45

Wednesday, 10/30

Field Hockey Home vs. Greely, 8th- 3;30, 6/7th 4:30

Daily Activities and Club List

  • Monday

    • Card Game Club  - 2:30 to 3:30 in Room 205

    • Civil Rights Club  - 2:30 to 3:30 in Room 312

  • Tuesday

    • Student Council meets in the Cafeteria from the walker bell until 3:45 

  • Thursday 

    • 6th Grade Math Team walker bell - 3:30 in Room 304 (starting 11/7)

    • 8th Grade Math Team 2:30 - 3:30 in Room 205 (starting 11/7)

    • Outing Club in Room 102 from the walker bell until 3:45

  • Friday

    • Q&A Club in Ms. Bucknam’s room (only for 10/25) after the walker bell.