Code of Ethics Winners this week are: 

6th grade: Austin Hamelton
7th grade: Desmond Morris
8th grade: Jude Fickett   

Bus Changes:
Bus 58 is Bus 51 until further notice 
Bus 53 is Bus 54 until further notice

REMINDER:  Water only is allowed during school hours!  This includes lunch period!  No energy drinks, coffee, soda, etc.

Your Cell Phone and Smart Watches are to be turned off and put away in your backpack or locker when you enter the building.  You may use them after 2:25.

If games are canceled due to weather, it will be announced by 12:30.

Pie Sale Information! 

Did you know that the 2 top pie sellers will get a $30 gift card? And you can be entered into a drawing for a $30 gift card just for selling one pie?  Each grade will have a separate drawing for a random winner of a $30 gift card!  Sell a Pie to be entered!  All orders and money need to be turned in on or before October 15.

There will be vocal coaching sessions for Frozen, Jr this week today, tomorrow and Thursday after school until 3:30. If you cannot make any of these, please see Mrs. Tarleton to arrange another time.

Upcoming Important Dates:

  • MTYA (Maine Through the Year Assessments) Dates:

    • October 9 - Reading

    • October 15 - Math

  • No School on Friday, October 11

  • No School on Monday, October 14

School pictures are ready!

  • To order, log in to your account on or create an account using your student's student ID number.

  • All families can also log on and order a FREE Digital SmileSafe card.

  • More about the Smilesafe program here.

There will be a Harvest Craft and Food Fair at HBS on November 2 to help support Mid Coast Hunger programming -- Please check out the flyer here Harvest Craft and Food Fair

Calling All Brunswick Junior High Hockey Players! Please click HERE for information on Playing Hockey at BJH!


Cross Country Practice 2:45-4:00
Boys Soccer Away @ Cape, 8th 3:30, 7th 4:45, Dismissal 2:05, Bus 2:15
Girls Soccer Home vs Cape, 8th 4:00, 7th 5:00, Report to Room 308 or go home
Field Hockey Practice 2:45-4:15

We will announce by 12:30 if practices/games are rained out!

Daily Activities and Club List

  • Monday

    • Card Game Club (starts 9/23) - 2:30 to 3:30 in Room 205

    • Civil Rights Club (starts 9/23) - 2:30 to 3:30 in Room 312

  • Tuesday

    • Student Council meets in the Cafeteria from the walker bell until 3:45

  • Thursday 

  • Friday

    • Q&A Club in the Cafeteria after the walker bell.