Code of Ethics Winners this week are:

6th grade: Lillian Moore

7th grade: Dre Jackson

8th grade: Katie Woodruff

Bus Changes:

19 is 54 until further notice

10 is 45 until further notice

REMINDER: Water only is allowed during school hours! This includes lunch period! No energy drinks, coffee, soda, etc.

Reminder to Band students: the All Town Band Concert it TONIGHT at Brunswick High School!

Remember to bring your instrument and music home with you today!! The building will be locked at 4:00. When you arrive at the high school, leave your cases in Crooker Theater. Be in your seat in the gymnasium NO LATER than 5:30! See you there!

Today is an early release!

Robotics club is canceled this week.

Reminder that submissions to the BJHS literary journal Dragon Tales are due May 10th. Email your writing to Mrs. Brubaker. Dragon Tales is also accepting submissions for cover design. Submit electronic or hand drawn designs to Mrs. Brubaker by May 10th.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month!

  • Mental health awareness is the ongoing effort to reduce the stigma around mental illness and mental health conditions by talking about it, sharing experiences, supporting one another and reaching out for support.  –  Be kind to Your Mind!

There will be a box in the main lobby where you can bring your eclipse glasses, so the school can get them to an organization that brings used eclipse glasses to people in places where they are having the eclipse but can't get them.   Please drop off any gently used eclipse glasses by this Friday, May 3.


7th softball Optional Practice 2:45-4:00 Edwards

8th Baseball Optional Practice 6-7:30

Daily Activities and Club List

  • Monday

    • Tabletop Gaming Club will meet from the walker bell until 3:30 in room 308 

    • Civil Rights Club - meets from the walker bell until 3:30 in Room 312 

    • Yearbook Club in room 317 from the Walker Bell until 4

    • Homework Club in room 310 from the walker bell to 4:00 - canceled 4/29

  • Tuesday

    • Chess Club meets weekly in Room 317 at the walker bell and will end at 3:30. 

    • Whose Crime is it Anyway in room 207 from the walker bell until 3:30. 

    • Student Council meets in the cafeteria from the walker bell until 4:00. - 4/30

  • Thursday 

    • Coffin Food Market - Open to all Brunswick Residents with school aged kids - Market is open from 3 to 5 pm weekly.

    • Creative Writing Club will meet from the walker bell until 3:45 in the library

    • Youth for Action Club will meet from the walker bell until 3:45 in the Cafeteria

    • 8th Grade Math Team meets in Room 208 from the walker bell until 3:30  

    • Homework Club meets in room 305 from the walker bell until 4:00

    • Robotics Club - meets in room 314 from the walker bell until 4:00- canceled 5/2 

  • Friday 

    • Q&A Club - in the cafe until 3:30