Tuesday, September 17 - Today is an ORANGE day
Week of 9/13/24 Duty Schedule
Special Education Department
From Connor Lynch re: Homecoming Dance
Hello hello!
’Tis the season. I’m looking for faculty chaperones for the dance on October 5th. It’s 7-10 pm. Food and drink at the dance is also free for the taking!
Please respond to this email if you are free then! You can let me know if you want to chaperone with a faculty friend!
Tonight is the harvest moon!
BHS is thrilled to announce the launch of Brunswick Reads, kicking off this Wednesday! Once a month during Flex, we’re dedicating time for all of us to dive into the wonderful world of books and reading! This is your chance to lose yourself in a great book! You may read ANYTHING you want as long as it’s on paper—no screens allowed! So grab your favorite book, assigned reading, or stop by the Library to check out something new! Flex teachers are also invited to drop in at the library this Tuesday to grab a special box of reading materials for your Flex classroom, courtesy of a grant from the Brunswick Community Education Foundation.
Want to bring a guest to the homecoming dance?
If you are wishing to bring a guest to homecoming, please pick up a guest form in the main office. Contact Mr. Lynch (clynch@brunswicksd.org) for any info.
Late Bus Pass
Order your yearbook today!!! Click on the flyers below for more information. Order by 10/25/2024 for an early bird discount!
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BHS Dragon Spirit 2024 Yearbook Meetings -
All students are invited to join!
Tuesday @ FLEX
in Room 135
SENIOR PHOTOS are Due November 1st!
Senior Recognition Ad! Honor your senior with an advertisement in the yearbook. Please click link for more information.
Mr. Nadeau and Officer Bedard are hosting Open Lifting for any BHS student from 2:30-4 daily. Inexperienced? No problem. They're happy to teach students new to working out.
Note the following rules for the space; they are posted at the door, and will be enforced daily for safety reasons.
BHS Old English Club
"Have you ever wished to learn an ancient language? Look no further than the OLD ENGLISH CLUB! Attendees can prepare to talk, converse, investigate, and have a jolly good time! Meets every Tuesday during flex in the Maker Space in the Library. For any questions contact 26rathbonen@brunswicksd.org or 26venegasm@brunswicksd.org."
The Library is now open for the full period for students from Study Halls. Simply sign out with your Study Hall teacher, who will add your name to the online Library sign-up form. The Library is also open during Flex for Academic Work and Book Browsing. Sign out with your Flex teacher using the Library's online Flex sign-up form.
Q&A (Queers and Allies)/Pride Club will begin meeting next week. We will meet every Tuesday during Flex in Room 214 (Ms. White's room). Anyone is welcome to join! Our first meeting we'll be getting to know each other and deciding if there are specific projects we want to work on this year. See you next week!
Any students that would like to submit a design or assist with painting a sign for the BHS Dragon Garden, come to a meeting afterschool on Tuesday Sept. 17th in Art room 129. Earn some community service and help us share our awesome garden with others.
Interact Club will have their first meeting during FLEX on Tuesday, September 17 in Mrs. Ostrov's room (235). All are welcome to join! What is Interact club? For people who like to help others, give back to their community and earn volunteer hours while making new friends! You can join at any time, we are happy to have you!
The first Outing Club Meeting of the school year will be during Flex on Tuesday September 17 in Mr. McCullough's room (223). This meeting is for both new and returning members to brainstorm and plan our fall trips.
The PSAT will be offered during the school day on October 22nd. Please complete this form to sign up to take the PSAT. Let me know if you have any questions!
Youth in Government will have their first meeting in Mr. Lynch's room during flex on Friday, September 20th. Everyone is welcome!
Pickleball club will be starting next Tuesday at the Rec Center. Paddles and balls will be provided. You will need to have your own transportation.
Please pick up a permission slip at Ms Kunhardt's office and return it to her before Tuesday 9/24.
Check out the Brunswick Home games this week! Come cheer on your fellow dragons. GO ‘WICK!!
**Volleyball has home games on Saturday at 11:30am and 1:00pm.
Volunteer Opportunities
Two ways to earn your volunteer hours with the Town of Brunswick. Please contact Weezie Mackey for more information and to volunteer.Weezie Mackey, Marketing and Communications Manager, Parks and Recreation Dept, P: 207.725.6656 , E: wmackey@brunswickme.org
Clean up day, September 21 9-11am = picking up trash alongside the road, dismantling an old split rail fence along the road.
Movies in the Park/MARC = details TBD. Contact Weezie directly for more information. It would be from about 6-10pm.
We are excited to announce that registration for the 2024-2025 school year session of Inside Medicine is now open! Here is the link to register.
The Inside Medicine Program is a virtual, statewide program hosted by the MaineHealth Center for Workforce Development, Maine Medical Center Department of Medical Education, and Tufts University Medical Students. Current high school students are invited to explore the fascinating world of medicine, hear form MaineHealth clinical professionals, connect with other like-minded students in the state of Maine, and solve medical mystery cases with the guidance of Tufts University Medical Students. More information is outlined below:
Virtual sessions take place during the school year and summer each year
The program is free to participate for all high school students (Class of 2025-2028 welcome!)
Dates for the 2024-2025 school year are the first Wednesdays of the month* from October through March:
October 2
November 6
December 4
January 8*
February 5
March 5
*January will take place the second Wednesday of the month due to the New Years Day holiday
Sessions occur from 7-8:15pm
Students who are under 18 require a parental consent form which is attached to this email
Please share the attached flyer and parental consent form with your students who might be interested in participating. Registration closes on September 27 and the program begins on October 2.
Inside Medicine Program AY24-25 Flyer.pdf
Please check out the past announcements for more Community Service, Scholarship, ELO, Job and Volunteer opportunities!
View full text of past announcements
Quick Links:
Submit your announcements to bhsannouncements@brunswicksd.org
iPhone: https://apple.co/2X4hyQ8
Android: https://bit.ly/35U5Lqs