Tuesday, September 10 - Today is an BLACK day
Happy National Ants on a Log Day!
Week of 9/9/24 Duty Schedule
English Department
Order your yearbook today!!! Click on the flyers below for more information. Order by 10/25/2024 for an early bird discount!
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BHS Dragon Spirit 2024 Yearbook Meetings -
All students are invited to join!
Tuesday @ FLEX
in Room 135
SENIOR PHOTOS are Due November 1st!
Senior Recognition Ad! Honor your senior with an advertisement in the yearbook. Please click link for more information.
Have you seen the new weight/cardio room?! Mr. Nadeau and SRO Bedard will be supervising the space Mon-Thurs 2:30-4:00 for any student who would like to workout.
Freshmen — if you are interested in running for class office, please see Mr. Lynch in room 211 for a petition form. Forms are due by September 12th.
BHS Old English Club
"Have you ever wished to learn an ancient language? Look no further than the OLD ENGLISH CLUB! Attendees can prepare to talk, converse, investigate, and have a jolly good time! Meets every Tuesday during flex in the Maker Space in the Library. For any questions contact 26rathbonen@brunswicksd.org or 26venegasm@brunswicksd.org."
Pep Committee will be meeting this Friday in the multipurpose room during Flex to discuss Homecoming Week! All are welcome to attend to figure out spirit days, activities, and organization for the dance.
Interested in having a voice and making a positive impact on the programs, activities, and book collections in your high school library? The BHS Library has openings for new members on our new Teen Advisory Board TAB! Interested students should fill out this form by Friday, September 13th. Please see Mrs. Jerome in the Library with any
The Library is now open for the full period for students from Study Halls. Simply sign out with your Study Hall teacher, who will add your name to the online Library sign-up form. The Library is also open during Flex for Academic Work and Book Browsing. Sign out with your Flex teacher using the Library's online Flex sign-up form.
Mock Trial Club will start meeting on Tuesday, September 10th at 2:15 in Mr. Lynch’s room 211.
The BHS Cinema club will be holding their first meeting on September 10th during FLEX, members can meet in the Library Classroom. If you have any questions, reach out to either Mr. Weed or Mr. Dudley.
Interested in broadcasting or live streaming. The FLEX 5 is looking for new members to help out with live streaming, anchoring news and producing short form content that will be shown live at school. We will be having our first meeting on Friday September 13th in the BHS studio. If you have any questions, reach out to either Mr. Weed or Mr. Dudley.
Math team will start on Monday the 9th.
Practices will be Monday or Tuesday after school,
or Tuesday during flex, in room 101.
See Mr. Porter with any questions.
Be there or be a regular quadrilateral!
Q&A (Queers and Allies)/Pride Club will begin meeting next week. We will meet every Tuesday during Flex in Room 214 (Ms. White's room). Anyone is welcome to join! Our first meeting we'll be getting to know each other and deciding if there are specific projects we want to work on this year. See you next week!
Any students that would like to submit a design or assist with painting a sign for the BHS Dragon Garden, come to a meeting afterschool on Tuesday Sept. 17th in Art room 129. Earn some community service and help us share our awesome garden with others.
The Environmental Club will have their first meeting this Friday during flex in Mr. Chapman's room, everyone is welcome!
Volunteer Opportunities
Two ways to earn your volunteer hours with the Town of Brunswick. Please contact Weezie Mackey for more information and to volunteer.Weezie Mackey, Marketing and Communications Manager, Parks and Recreation Dept, P: 207.725.6656 , E: wmackey@brunswickme.org
Clean up day = picking up trash alongside the road, dismantling an old split rail fence along the road.
Movies in the Park/MARC = details TBD. Contact Weezie directly for more information. It would be from about 6-10pm.
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We are excited to announce that registration for the 2024-2025 school year session of Inside Medicine is now open! Here is the link to register.
The Inside Medicine Program is a virtual, statewide program hosted by the MaineHealth Center for Workforce Development, Maine Medical Center Department of Medical Education, and Tufts University Medical Students. Current high school students are invited to explore the fascinating world of medicine, hear form MaineHealth clinical professionals, connect with other like-minded students in the state of Maine, and solve medical mystery cases with the guidance of Tufts University Medical Students. More information is outlined below:
Virtual sessions take place during the school year and summer each year
The program is free to participate for all high school students (Class of 2025-2028 welcome!)
Dates for the 2024-2025 school year are the first Wednesdays of the month* from October through March:
October 2
November 6
December 4
January 8*
February 5
March 5
*January will take place the second Wednesday of the month due to the New Years Day holiday
Sessions occur from 7-8:15pm
Students who are under 18 require a parental consent form which is attached to this email
Please share the attached flyer and parental consent form with your students who might be interested in participating. Registration closes on September 27 and the program begins on October 2.
Inside Medicine Program AY24-25 Flyer.pdf
Please check out the past announcements for more Community Service, Scholarship, ELO, Job and Volunteer opportunities!
View full text of past announcements
Quick Links:
Submit your announcements to bhsannouncements@brunswicksd.org
iPhone: https://apple.co/2X4hyQ8
Android: https://bit.ly/35U5Lqs