Tuesday, June 4 - Today is an ORANGE day
7 school days people, we can do it!
If you have a school-issued laptop your FLEX teacher will be collecting it sometime between June 6th (the last day of classes) and June 13th (exam makeup day). If you need your laptop throughout exam week, you may return it when all of your exams and assignments are complete for the year. If you are unable to connect with your FLEX teacher to return your laptop, you can turn it in at the BHS Main Office.
Some students may need a laptop over the summer for summer school classes or for summer assignments. If you need a laptop to use over the summer, see me or Mr. Gagnon. We can work with the IT Department to get a different laptop for you to borrow for the summer months.
All students who are taking AP Art next year please meet Mrs. KG in room 116 during Flex on Thursday to get your sketchbooks and summer work.
Pickup Lost and Found Items by June 13th
Items will be set up in the tech hallway the week of finals. Please come and look for your stuff!!
Last Day of Late Bus is THIS FRIDAY 6/6/24
Do you love to write? Invent words? Doodle? Think deep thoughts and scribble them on paper? Are you writing a short story? A novel? Haiku? If so, you're invited to Art & Writing EXPRESS with local author/artist Charlotte Agell. There is 1 upcoming workshop hosted at Curtis Memorial Library (June 5th at 3:30) The link for more information is here.
Girls tennis moves onto regionals semi finals. Brunswick Dragons defeated Oxford Hills yesterday 5-0 in regional quarter finals.
This past weekend the Girls Outdoor Track team traveled to Thornton Academy to compete at the Class A state meet. Going into the meet the girls team was ranked 9th out of 32 teams. Not a bad standing, but the girls wanted to do better and they did! The girls ended the day scoring 46 points, placing them 6th out of 32 teams.
The day started off strong with two state championship wins. First Lexi Morin threw 122' 3" to take the state title in the Javelin. She then went onto scoring in the shot put. Throwing a personal best of 32' 11.5" to take 7th place.
Also winning a state title was Lisi Palmer. Lisi jumped her personal best jump of 5' 5". Lisi also placed 7th in the open 200 and was on the 4 x 100 and 4 x 400, which also scored for the day.
Maeve Woodruff rana very gutsy race in the 800 meter and took 3rd. She was also on the 4 x 400 team with Maddie Chaput, Ellie Musica and Lisi Palmer that took 8th.
Over at the long jump both Maddie Chaput and Elsa Reynolds jumped over 16 feet to make it into finals and score for the team. Elsa took 8th and Maddie took 6th. Maddie also had a great day in the sprints. Maddie ran a personal best time, of 12.65, in the 100 meter and took 3rd in the state.
Maddie was also on the 4 x 100, with Elie Musica, Isabel Dauphinais, and Lisi Palmer. The 4 x 100 team placed 4th.
The girls move onto New Englands at UNH, this next weekend. Then our national qualifiers will be flying out to Eugene Oregon for a full week of competition starting June 12th. Please wish them luck!
Any student-athletes who are interested in playing high school golf for BHS in the fall should email Coach Routhier at: mrouthier@brunswicksd.org
Our Tennis teams will begin post-season play this week.
Monday, June 3: Brunswick Girls @ home v. Oxford Hills, 4:30
Tuesday, June 4: Brunswick Boys @ MTA, 4:00
Congrats and good luck to the teams and Coaches Leighton and Kunhardt!
Please check out the past announcements for more Community Service, Scholarship, ELO, Job and Volunteer opportunities!
Sailing Ships Coastal Maritime Immersion Program
All the materials you need can be found in the folder link above. Travel costs to get to the ship will also be covered.
Sailing Ships Maine is a non-profit organization that has been bringing students to sea for over ten years, and this year they have the unique opportunity to get 144 Maine students out on the ocean in Casco Bay for a series of 5-day education/adventure programs all summer, at no cost to their families. This experience is dedicated to creating life-changing opportunities for teens of all abilities, backgrounds, and income levels to experience and discover the ocean environment, expand leadership skills, and gain access to opportunities for careers in maritime trades.
View full text of past announcements
Quick Links:
Submit your announcements to bhsannouncements@brunswicksd.org
iPhone: https://apple.co/2X4hyQ8
Android: https://bit.ly/35U5Lqs