What's Happening at BHS

Thursday, April 25th, 2024 - Today is a BLACK day

The Athletic Department is looking for students interested in announcing at home baseball, softball and lacrosse games. Community service hours are available for this work. This job consists of announcing the names of players and coaches in the pre-game announcements, and then goal scorers, batters as they come up, etc, throughout the game. 

See Mr. Wilson in room 203 or Athletic Director Mrs. Phillips for signup

Attention students heading to the prom! A FREE Formalwear Fling will be hosted at the Brunswick Area Teen Center on April 27th & May 4th, 11am-3pm. Dresses, suits, shoes, handbags, jewelry, hair accessories... come check out the swag we've collected from the community to help make your prom special! FMI email formalwearme@gmail.com, visit Formalwear ME on Facebook, or contact the Teen Center.

Today is Poem in your Pocket Day, an event celebrated nationally since 2002! Carry a favorite poem with you or stop by the Library to pick a poem from the poetry bowl and get a Poem in Your Pocket Day sticker so others will know you have a poem to share!

The 3rd annual Downtown Brunswick Poetry Stroll to celebrate National Poetry Month in April is underway! The theme of this year's Poetry Stroll is Brunswick: The Poetry Place, and students from Brunswick High School, Brunswick Junior High School, Harriet Beecher Stowe Elementary School, and Kate Furbish Elementary School have written poems inspired by special places and landmarks in Brunswick! Over 80 poetry posters with poems alongside the Brunswick photographs are on display in storefront windows at 35 businesses along Maine Street, at Curtis Memorial Library, Brunswick Town Hall, and the Brunswick School Department District Office. Click on this MAP of the Poetry Stroll locations to see where the poems are displayed and experience the magic of student poetry inspired by Brunswick on the Downtown Brunswick Poetry Stroll!

Hello BHS Dragons,

In the Math hallway, across from Ms. Urgese's door, we are going to have a World Map displaying where the members of our BHS community come from.  This is a voluntary activity, however, we encourage everyone--faculty, staff and students--to participate! You are welcome to share your name or remain anonymous. Your name will not appear on the map, but we may reach out for a follow up activity if you chose to share your name.  Please complete the form below if you'd like to participate! 

YOU belong at Brunswick!

You Belong at Brunswick Flex Activity Link

Thank you all! 🐉

SAVE THE DATE! On Saturday May 4, the Brunswick High School Class of 2026 will be hosting a community 5k and Fun Run.  This fundraising event will be held at Brunswick High School (71 Dragon Drive). Registration begins at 8:30am, the Fun Run starts @9:15am and the 5k @10am. Join us for a morning of fun, snacks, music, prizes, t-shirts, and community building! Rumor has it... the Dragon Mascot will be there!!!

You may also register ahead of time using this link: https://forms.gle/YXQN4t2pyf3cLANDA

The first 50 people to sign up will get a free t-shirt!!!

Link to Senior Trip Purchasing Ticket

Brunswick defeats Lewiston 5-0

The Athletic Department is looking for students interested in announcing at home baseball, softball and lacrosse games. Community service hours are available for this work. This job consists of announcing the names of players and coaches in the pre-game announcements, and then goal scorers, batters as they come up, etc, throughout the game. 

See Mr. Wilson in room 203 or Athletic Director Mrs. Phillips for signup

JUNIORS- Are you considering the University of Maine or Husson University? 

Don’t miss the opportunity to attend College Information Sessions and Campus Tours at:

Either - UMO or Husson University
Date: Friday, May 3 (Black Day)

JUNIORS- Are you considering the University of New England

Don’t miss the opportunity to attend College Information Sessions and Campus Tours at:

University of New England
Date: Wednesday, May 8 (Orange Day)

How do students sign up?  Space is limited for both campus visits and on a first come, first serve basis. Sign up today in the Counseling Office and pick up a field trip permission slip. 

How will students get information after they sign up?   You will receive written confirmation of your attendance as well as a reminder about the date, bus times, lunch, etc. 

What if there are specific questions?  Check with Mrs. Moore or Mrs. Boies in the Counseling Office.

Please check out the past announcements for more Community Service, Scholarship, ELO, Job and Volunteer opportunities!

Attention sophomores interested in town government, earning community service hours, gaining leadership skills and helping make a difference. We are currently seeking a BHS Student Liaison to the school board. 

Apply online, May 10th is the deadline for submitting your application.

See Mr. Wilson with any questions.

Position Description


Online application


Intents for 2024-25 license will be available on January 1st or first business day thereafter until May 3rd (first Friday in May).

The student shellfish license allows the licensee to harvest from June 15th to September 1st and throughout the license year during weekends, holidays, and school vacations set forth by the Brunswick School Department Calendar, where and when it is otherwise lawful to do so.   You must also purchase a state shellfish license.

Applying for a student license will provide some credit in the future commercial lottery process depending on a few factors so the amount of credit provided will be determined at the time of commercial application.  You cannot apply for both a student and a commercial license.


View full text of past announcements

Quick Links:

Current Service Opportunities

BHS Activities and Clubs

Attendance Procedure

BHS Jobs Board

Submit your announcements to bhsannouncements@brunswicksd.org


iPhone: https://apple.co/2X4hyQ8

Android: https://bit.ly/35U5Lqs

🐉 💥 🐉 💥 🐉 💥 🐉 💥 🐉 💥 🐉 💥 🐉