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November 12, 2021

Dear Brunswick High School Families and Staff:

To support our efforts to maintain a healthy and safe learning environment, I am happy to announce that Brunswick School Department has partnered with Concentric by Ginkgo to expand Pooled COVID-19 Testing to Brunswick High School.  This testing is optional and free.  The program may expand to co-curricular groups in the future.

Pooled Testing is a system in which groups of students self-swab their lower nasal cavities on a certain day of the week.  All swabs from the group are combined into one specimen which is sent to a central testing facility.  The schools are notified in 48 hours whether any specimen is positive.  Individuals in the identified group are then re-tested.  Those in the group who re-test negative do not have to quarantine from school regardless of whether they are vaccinated.

We are hoping for high participation among staff and students to accurately monitor the prevalence of COVID-19 in the school and to keep everyone from unnecessary quarantines when they are not sick.  To do this, we need you to consent to your or your child’s test.  Giving consent is quick and easy.  Simply follow the directions below to do so electronically.  This process should take no more than 5 minutes to complete using a computer or a smartphone. 


  1. Click the appropriate link: 

    1. Parent Consent for Students Under 18 

If you are filling this out for multiple students, you will need to complete a 

separate consent for each student.  

  1. Consent for Staff and Students 18 and Older 

This consent requires creating a free account with Concentric by Ginkgo.

  1. Enter this access code:  BHSDRAGONS2021

  2. Follow the prompted steps and submit at the end.

Only students and staff with completed consent forms are able to participate in testing. If you do not want yourself or your family to participate, do not fill out a form.  We hope to begin testing the week of November 29.  

Thank you for your continued support.


Phillip J. Potenziano, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools