Dear Parents and Staff,
The purpose of my communication is to acknowledge the transportation issues some of you may have experienced yesterday, specifically at KFS and HBS.
As we all know, the first days of any new school year are sometimes fraught with operational issues, particularly with transportation. Yesterday, however, we found ourselves in a situation where I know we could have done better, and you have my word, we will. Several unforeseen circumstances caused our buses to be extremely late when dropping off students from HBS and KFS.
I am writing today to personally apologize for not communicating that our buses were going to be late and reaffirm that the BSD remains committed to doing better and meeting your expectations for the safe and timely arrival and dismissal of students.
Finally, we are working to enhance communication regarding late drop-offs. Moving forward, principals and the transportation department have been directed to communicate with parents via text message service if a bus will potentially be more than 30 minutes late.
We have high expectations for ourselves and please know we are doing everything within reason to maintain the trust you have had in us regarding the safe and timely delivery of your children to and from school.
Phillip J. Potenziano, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools