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Dear Staff, Students, and Parents, 

At their March 17 meeting, the Brunswick School Board directed the Superintendent of Schools to expand in-person learning for students in grades K-12 to four or five days each week starting April 26, 2021.

I want to thank all of those who called and sent emails to express their opinions. I also want to express my appreciation for the decency and respectful tone of your emails and calls. In a time where civil discourse seems to grow less civil every day, it was refreshing.

As I stated last night at the board meeting, there are many challenges with this change. Still, the district will strive to maintain all Maine Department of Education requirements, including social distancing.  We will also make every effort to maintain the class placements and routines established in September.  However, the process of revamping virtually all educational programming and support services to enable this change may lead to some unforeseen and/or unwelcome consequences.  

I realize you most likely have questions.  Once I have more detailed information, I will promptly provide it to staff, students and parents. In the meantime, please anticipate further communication, including a parent survey, early next week.


Phillip J. Potenziano, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools