Budget Information
2025-2026 Budget Development Process
The School Budget Process
The school budget development process aims to estimate the funds required to operate the school department’s educational and support programs for the coming year. Budget development begins with formulating and distributing individual school and department budget preparation materials and synthesizing these into the annual Superintendent’s Recommended Budget. The budget incorporates the District’s Long Range Strategic Plan and facilities needs. The Superintendent generally submits the budget document to the School Board in early February. The School Board will thoroughly review the budget proposal and make any changes. During this time, the School Board will hold a public hearing, and in March, the School Board will vote on the budget document. Once approved, the School Board budget is forwarded to the Town Council.
Superintendent's Recommended Budget
In January, the Superintendent presents Budget Drivers to the School Board. This is an overview of what impacts changes within the budget. In February, the Superintendent provides a “Recommended Budget” to the School Board at a regular business meeting. The recommended budget is based on input from principals, administrators, department heads, and faculty. It incorporates the Strategic Plan, facilities needs, collective bargaining requirements, federal and state mandates such as the provision for special education, and elements of the Superintendent’s goals. It also updates planning information such as the latest estimates in enrollment, utilities, anticipated revenue from the Department of Education and other sources, health insurance rates, and special education programming costs.
At this point in the process, the Superintendent has already made compromises, assessed needs and priorities, determined operational efficiencies, and leveraged known revenue sources.
During School Board meetings, the School Board poses questions to the Superintendent and Director of Finance and Personnel regarding efficiency of operations, priorities in instruction and administration, and revenue and expense options. Additional changes to the Superintendent's Budget may be made to balance the needs of the Schools with the need to control budget growth and tax assessment.
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